Emily is teaching mostly assessment lessons and short lessons for kiddos working on a big breakthrough after a few lessons. Emily also does all of our high-anxiety assessments. For one of these assessments, please let your instructor know and send us an email with a request.
We have several types of lessons.
Create an account or sign in to your account. You can go to the “My Account” or “Book Now” button on our home page. https://www.littlefishswimschool.net to get started.
Choose your location: West and East are both located in North Seattle, 2-3 min drive from each other and North is in Kenmore. Be sure to check availability at all locations you are willing to travel to.
Choose your preferred lesson type depending on your child’s age and your time preferences.
Choose to search availability by Staff member or Date and Time to find an individual lesson that works for your schedule.
Next you will be prompted to select a purchase option. If you have booked a single slot lesson, you can purchase any sized package and the remainder of the package credits will remain in your account for subsequent bookings.
Complete booking by purchasing the purchase option with your credit card.
You will receive email confirmation of your bookings and purchases.
We follow the the Public Schools Calendar. Specific dates for prebooking and opening are TBD and we will send out emails to everyone with all of the specific information starting one month before we open a quarterly schedule.
Each lesson is booked individually. Folks cancel and reschedule all the time, so the calendar shows random openings. Please email us if you’d like to be added to the last-minute cancellation list. The BEST way to book is through our “Achieve” app from Wellness Living. Find it in your App Store!
Yes, “pods” of no more than two families totaling no more than 8 people may swim. EACH FAMILY MUST HAVE AN ACTIVE LITTLE FISH ACCOUNT
In the designated parking area in front of the house, or on the street.
Yes, there is a bathroom available for a quick rinse-off.
You can sit in the greenhouse if everyone can sit quietly on the bench in the far corner. We do recommend family members give extra space for our extra anxious swimmers. You are also welcome to wait in the dressing areas, where there are video monitors for you to watch the lesson. We aim to keep distractions down for our lessons. Please come back at the end of a lesson for the instructor to show you what your child is working on.
Lessons are back to back and only one child is allowed in the water at a time, so unfortunately, no.
Not during standard swim lessons, but feel free to sign up for a family swim! A caretaker is in the water during our Littlest Fish Beginning Bubbler lessons.
These are our favorites. Anyone age 3 and up does well with these adult sized goggles. https://www.amazon.com/ZIONOR-Goggles-Swimming-Anti-fog-Protection/dp/B0BR9N7K34/ref=sxin_16_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.a2e12efe-e275-4efd-81b9-095fa99ad91f%3Aamzn1.sym.a2e12efe-e275-4efd-81b9-095fa99ad91f&crid=2R1NVGCLA9BKK&cv_ct_cx=goggles+adult&keywords=goggles+adult&pd_rd_i=B0BR9N7K34&pd_rd_r=382951de-718a-4158-ab54-dcf25585f7d1&pd_rd_w=F3yWL&pd_rd_wg=ITtcu&pf_rd_p=a2e12efe-e275-4efd-81b9-095fa99ad91f&pf_rd_r=WWF6TKY9Q70FA48Z26SH&qid=1697732782&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=goggles%2Caps%2C135&sr=1-2-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1
Consider our new PREBOOKING option to book a regular spot for the whole season. We do our best to keep instructors consistent with their listed shifts and notify clients when there will be a change. You are always welcome to cancel a lesson without penalty if the occasional instructor shift will not work for you.
Please always let the instructor know if you have a specific aim for your swimmer. Email us if you would like help selecting an instructor who is best equipped for an advanced swimmer.
Our “Littlest Fish” Beginning Bubbles classes are for caregivers and babies aged 6 months to 2.5 years. Our regular lessons are for children aged 2.5 and older.
We have several types of lessons.
Single slot lesson: One on one instruction for ages 2 and a half and over for 15 minutes.
Double slot lesson: One on one instruction for ages 2 and a half and over for 30 minutes or for two children to share back to back 15 minute lessons. Great for siblings to share the time. There is always only one child in the water with the instructor at a time.
Triple slot lesson: 2 or 3 children can split for back to back individual one on one instruction for 45 minutes. Great for siblings to share the time. There is always only one child in the water with the instructor at a time. We do not teach 45 minute lessons for one child.
15 minute Littlest Fish Lessons: For our youngest swimmers. This is geared for caregivers and little ones aged 6 months to 2.5 years old. The sessions are one on one with the instructor, are 15 minutes and a chance for an instructor to show you tips and tricks for swimming with your littlest fish to get them comfortable before they start full swim lessons.
30 minute Littlest Fish Lessons: For our youngest swimmers. This is geared for caregivers and little ones aged 6 months to 2.5 years old. The sessions are one on one with the instructor, are 30 minutes and a chance for an instructor to show you tips and tricks for swimming with your littlest fish to get them comfortable before they start full swim lessons.
Our lessons expire one year after purchase, please try not to purchase more lessons than you can use in a year, however we can update expiration dates if you have trouble scheduling or rescheduling lessons.
From first splashes to strong strokes, we guide little swimmers every step of the way. Join us for safe, engaging, and personalized swim lessons!